'A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, for 2013'
Gus - cuddles with his beautiful cousin (I did intentionally crop her out in respect of her parents' wishes). These two were snuggling all day long, it was so beautiful!
Felix - more rainy day fun! He was wet from head to toe by the end of the splashing!
'A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, for 2013'
Gus - found a ladybird on our walk exploring the riverbank after the floods. He was so careful when holding it and was really disappointed when it flew away.
Felix - puddles, puddles, puddles! He had so much fun and of course he ended up on his bottom in the puddles. Check out that tongue - again!
'A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, for 2013'
Gus - racing around the bike track at Karori Park. Man he goes fast on that bike of his!
Felix - loved riding around Te Horo beach on his 'nake bike. Look at that gorgeous boy! I had to take the bike seat up when we got home as we realised that he's had a growth spurt since the last time he rode it.