Little busy body
Well, I have truly been a little busy body, working on lots of small projects whilst still plugging along with Gus' jersey, plus a vest for Felix and I have also started a wee cardie for my friends soon to arrive pepi.
So busy busy busy! My very good friend had made one of these needle cases and I just loved it so had to make one for me. It actually took much longer than I had anticipated as it is made with 4ply wool and it has a lovely little pattern to it which required me to really concentrate! I loved how it turned out and the gorgeous bright red yarn which is from Holland Road Yarn Company.
We have been on a couple of trips lately so I thought I'd make the boys each a drawstring bag for them to put their things in so that we don't have the hassle of them wanting to bring everything. They can only bring what fits in a bag. Gus was very excited when I gave it to him and promptly filled it with everything he could fit in.
So whilst I was in the bag-making mood I whipped up these little bags for paper and crayons to put into the boys bigger bags. I got them each to draw a picture, and being a stereotypical boy Gus had to draw a monster, which I then scanned and printed onto iron-on transfer paper which was then transferred onto the bag material. It took all of an hour from woe to go and that includes getting the boys to draw their pictures. How neat to have something that they've helped to make for them to play with.
I just love this suitcase which I found up in Pahiatua when we were up visiting Mum and Dad a couple of weeks ago and I got it for a steal at the local Sallies - $4.50. I had been looking for a case to put the boys' baby treasures in but all the suitcases I had found were either quite expensive or had damaged interiors and locks. Gus was so very excited to help me put his gorgeous treasured baby shoes, knits, clothes and other special things in the case and thoroughly enjoyed reminiscing his baby days. I'm so glad that Gus is growing up to appreciate the precious things in life.
We've been really enjoying the movie Wall-E lately and after watching it a few (read lots!) times Gus has started to ask questions about waste, rubbish, recycling, exercise, food, obesity and all these other wonderful things that are so pertinent in our current society. It truly is remarkable to watch his mind tick away as he grapples with these issues that so many adults seem to pay no attention to at all. As our garden grows and the other things we're doing around the house (like breadmaking, making our own nappy wipes and cleaning products, cloth nappies, etc) evolve hopefully Gus will continue to explore what this all means and his impact upon the world. Xo
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