Friday, 18 January 2013

Last week of kindy holidays, sigh...

Well, the last week of holidays is upon us and it is with mixed emotion that I begin the preparations for next week. We seem to have all enjoyed and benefitted from the unhurried and easy pace of the break with lots of daytime slumbers, sleep-ins (yes 6.30 am is a sleep in here), PJ days, building fires, roasting marshmallows, rainy days with old movies and other such fun things.

So we spent this last week having all kinds of fun before the humdrum of routine returns:

1. Making playdough and learning about colour. We all now know how to make the colour brown (something I didn't know).
2. Felix making "hagetti" with said playdough. Love his facials!
3. Stuck between the water tank and the clay bank - Gus and Marama went that way so Felix had to as well.
4. Mixing up slime!
5. Playing with said slime. Such wonder and amazement in his eyes and smile! Gorgeous wee man.
6. Gus is starting to become interested in spelling his name and this lovely old typewriter is just a different way for him to experiment with letters. Loving it!


1 comment:

  1. It looks as though you are absolutely making the most of the relaxed time. How lovely is it, not having to be anywhere? Although I must admit, I thrive on routine a little. :)sarah
