Sunday, 5 May 2013

Day 5 - baking day

What a lovely day in Wellington it is! Not quite the 31 degree autumn days that some of our friends are experiencing, but lovely just the same.

Things have been a little muddled today as Grant dashed off early for a motorbike ride with my Dad and Uncle, so our nice and relaxed breakfast became a eat and run kind-of affair. Not to worry though, it just meant that I had eggs and mushrooms instead of porridge.

The Paleo Mom's Paleo porridge was well received by the three boys. It was lovely to have another argument free breakfast.

Well, morning tea sort of evolved into lunch today as the kids sampled the Banana Muffins from The Unrefined Kitchen which kind of involved me fighting them off from eating them all! I wanted to freeze a couple as well as save some for tomorrow to see how they keep. (Thinking of kindy lunches again.) The boys also had some yoghurt to top them up while I made a smoothie banana, feijoa, raspberry and LSA smoothie.

Cypriot Shepherd's Pie by Annabel Langbein as recommended by one of the MaD Clean Eaters. Delicious! Peter Pan (see photo below) ate it so fast he barely paused to breathe.

Salami and cheese, trail mix (which I have now made up in a jar ready to eat), the banana muffins Felix is eating in the picture below. He kept appearing beside me as I washed the dishes saying "More please Mummy. One for Gus too."

One of the things that concerned me most about going Paleo/Primal was lunches but especially what to put in the boys lunchboxes for kindergarten and playcentre instead of a sandwich. Over the past six or so weeks we've been experimenting and are confident that we've got it covered. I imagine that others share the same concerns so I thought I'd include a photo of the lunchboxes on kindy days too.

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