Friday, 16 August 2013

In our kitchen # 5

Look what was awaiting my return yesterday...

I have been ordering our fruit and vegetables direct from Riverside Orchards, which supply their own produce as well as that from other New Zealand suppliers.  I order once a fortnight and every other week the kids and I wander along to our local market to do a little top-up shop, which usually is just a couple of broccoli and some extra oranges.

Riverside Orchards have been a saving grace in more ways than one - not only is it good value for money, but it saves my back from the strain of lugging our weekly fruit and vegetables (and we eat lots), saves us time (have you taken kids to the market - madness), and it helps us to truly eat seasonally - plus the bonus is that the kids don't end up in the river. I plan my meals around what is in the box and not what we 'feel' like, a bit like in those good ole old days I suppose - you eat what you've got.

Breakfast - scrambled eggs with a huge pile of mushrooms. Felix prefers mushrooms and Gus the eggs, so they did a bit of a swap halfway through.

Lunch - was awesome! Tino reka te kai! There is something so Kiwi about fritters and at last I have found a great fritter recipe.  This recipe is by Teresa Cutter and is just as good as regular fritters.  Gus absolutely devoured his - note the presentation? All his own doing. Note the funny face: 'cheese'? I thought 'cheese' was supposed to be a smiling face.

Dinner - Annabel Langbein's Cypriot Shepherd's Pie. This is really delicious - all those herbs and spices are just delightful to the senses. Can't wait for dinner.

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