Thursday, 28 February 2013

I've got the bug again - the screen printing bug that is

I have been planning, drawing (well if you can call it that - indecipherable scrawls really) and coming up with all sorts of ideas for a couple of months now but just haven't got around to do anything about it. Until now that is....

I am in the process of making duvet/doona covers for the boys and I couldn't find the right colour or patterned fabric that I had in mind, or that I was prepared to fork out a huge sum of money for. So I figured that I would just come up with something myself. I started with a triangle pattern but it didn't look quite right and by chance found a picture of a dachshund in Lena Corwin's book Printing by Hand which was perfect and came out better than expected. I also did a run of some triangles which I had been fiddling around with in the computer and was thrilled with how they came out. I have just joined up to the Hand Printed Fabric Swap (see the button on the side) and think that I'll use this print as my design with some big circles overlaid. How very exciting.

1. All ready to go!
2. The dogs drying in the lounge
3. My triangle pattern up close
4. Triangles from afar!


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