Thursday, 28 February 2013

Time flies when you're on holiday

Wow, it has been quite some time since I have posted anything except my 52 portraits.  Life has been busy - I took the boys up to their Grandparents again (yes, I know I am mad to attempt another 10 hours driving on my own with them, but it was worth it).  I have also been busy on the crafting front too and as usual I have about ten projects on the go at once. So we'll start with the trip to Raglan... Here are a few of my favourite photos from our holidays.

1. Waiouru Army Museum. A fabulous place to stop, particularly with boys! Gus and Felix had so many questions about the tanks and cannons and I just didn't have the answers for them. Very frustrating for Gus who has such an enquiring mind.
2. Day at the beach with Grandma. The water was a bit cooler than they are used to (heated pools) but I did manage to convince them both to swim with me.
3. Gus laxing out at Waingaro Hot Springs. He loved the warm pools, particularly the one that was 39 degrees!
4. Felix decided to wear all of the hats. Looks so cute.
5. Gus painted himself a tiger and then Felix too. It was poster paint so probably highly toxic - oh well a fun time was had.
6. Picnic at the beach. It was a gorgeous day.
7. I don't know who enjoyed throwing the frisbee more - Grandma or Gus!
8. Felix worked out how to climb up the gate, and thought he was pretty clever for having figured it out, only trouble was he didn't know what to do to get down.
9. The tiger in action - note the stripes on his arms and legs.

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