Sunday, 22 September 2013

Getting back to 'me'

I don't think that I've talked about my Crossfit endeavours here before - so here goes.

On my birthday December 2012

I had had enough of dressing to disguise my well-rounded figure.  I was sick of feeling fat, frumpy, constantly lethargic, and just generally like s**t, so I knew it was time to get serious about exercise.  I had tried getting back into running but it was just too easy to make excuses to not go - who wants to run in the wind and/or the rain.  The time had come for action.

Grant had joined MaD Crossfit the previous June and after his first session had been trying to convince me to join to.  So in January this year I finally felt ready and able to make the commitment to get 'me' back. It was hard work but so worth it.  Its not like attending a regular gym where you can slip in and out unnoticed. The coaches care about you and make sure that you're doing the work right and safely. It doesn't matter if you come first or last because you're supported no matter how you do - whether you're lifting 15 kg or 150 kg. I remember feeling so intimidated when I first started by what everyone was doing and what they were capable of, but while I'm still amazed at peoples' strength and determination, I've learnt to just concentrate on what I'm doing and give it my best. This is my 'me' time. Its fun and I love it!

We have also joined the 'band-wagon' with the Paleo food too, something that is not atypical of Crossfitters. This was not something we undertook lightly, but something that was well-researched and discussed plenty. When taking into account both of the boys intolerances it made sense for us to try it out and after just a month we could see the difference that it had made not only to the children but also to ourselves.

Photo taken last month 

So nine months on and I feel a million times better - the lethargy has gone (aside from when the kids keep me up all night) and I've become stronger than I would have thought possible.  I can do pull-ups, cartwheels and box jumps. Things I never dreamed of being able to do. My only complaint is that none of my clothes fit me anymore! Hmmm, not the worst problem in the world to have!  So if you're wanting to get 'you' back and aren't shy of a fun challenge, give Crossfit a go.

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