Sunday, 22 September 2013

What was that?

Oh nothing, just the sound of silence.  The sun is out and Felix is asleep while Grant and Gus are on a supermarket run for me. I am wholeheartedly embracing the silence right now.

This week has been a rough one.  It was Grant's away week and with a lot happening for him at work here as well as in Auckland, it meant that we really haven't seen him since this time last week.  When the boys don't see their Dad, they start misbehaving, and then to add to it they became unwell again. Then, as they're feeling poorly it means that they're up throughout the night (and who can blame them), and then starting the day between 5.00 am to 5.30 am each day too. What is with that!

So as a person who really and truly needs sleep to function, this week has been taxing on me.  I will be honest and admit that at one point yesterday morning I took myself to my bedroom, shut the door, had a good old cry and then regrouped - formed a plan and bucked up!  I put away the tablet and the DVD's. Grabbed the doona cover, a stack of books and invited the children to join me on the couch.  Gus was reluctant at first but as soon as I started reading he joined us.

Things got better after that.  There was less hitting (it didn't completely cease), less raised voices and we were all kinder to each other.  We managed until Grant got home late yesterday afternoon when I finally took a shower and practically ran out the door.  The three boys needed some time to re-connect and I needed to get out of the house and breathe.

Why is it that some days it seems that anything is possible and then other days just making breakfast seems like a massive achievement? Do you have days or weeks like this?

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